A downloadable game for Windows

Abduct humans and ride them to victory in the unicorn jousts!

Warning: Contains hilarious comical nudity. Screenshots and videos to come.

This is a VR game at the moment. It has only been tested on the HTC Vive platform. I don't know if it works with Oculus - let me know.

Don't try playing it in Non-VR yet - it shouldn't work.

Made for A Game By Its Cover Jam 2017 (#AGBIC). A non-VR version will be coming later on. I wanted to practice my VR development skills using this jam.

(This game has been moved from its original account to this alternate NSFW account.)


Part 1: Human Street. Sneak around and find a human suitable for riding.

  1. Sneak up behind the humans and steal their clothes to reveal any tattoos.
  2. The more unicorn tattoos they have, the more powerful of a mount they will be for jousting.
  3. When you have found your desired mount, stab them with your horn and activate your portal power to Unicorn Kingdom.

Note - the human that you abduct is not actually transferred over into the joust. I didn't have time to do that yet. You just get a random mount. It even has clothes!

Part 2: Unicorn Joust

  1. Ride and maneuver into a good position relative to your foe.
  2. Aim and stab the foe with your horn when in range of the foe.
  3. If you have a higher score after 5 rounds, then you can advance to the next level, with more challenging foes, and a faster riding speed. You can return to the human world to find a different mount, but that will reset the level.



HeinousUnicornJoustVR_v1.0.0.zip 122 MB

Install instructions

This game requires HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, and Steam VR. It has only been tested on the HTC Vive though. The game cannot be played on non-VR environments.

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