A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Destroy the mushy brown asteroids that are being ejected from Uranus in this over-the-top take of an arcade classic! Venture near the mysterious cracked core of gas giant planet Uranus, and save us all from extinction.

Made in 72 hours for the So Bad It's Good game jam, where the goal is to make a "bad" game that's so bad it's good, and fun. Bad games don't necessarily need to look bad, they just need to smell bad, and have a horrible taste level. The game might look somewhat polished, but a polished turd is still a turd! Play with headphones, because it sounds the way it smells!

(This game was moved from the main andyman404 itch account to this secondary NSFW game account).

"So bad" Features:

  • Glorious realistic shiny turd-like texturing on the asteroids, with bad UV-unwrapping
  • Challenging hard-to-master realistic physics based space ship controls with unconventional use of the "0" and "1" buttons on a keyboard
  • Remarkably urine-like plasma stream cannon that annoyingly decelerates the ship
  • Unintentionally phallic-like spacecraft
  • Hyper-realistic organic vegan gluten-free sound effects
  • Gratuitously awesome heavy metal music to harmonize with the flatulent sound effects
  • Excessive bloom and lens dirt to simulate the gritty space battle effect
  • 2D wraparound navigation space for the spacecraft, just like in the original classic Asteroids game
  • Challenging camera view with fixed camera angle that mostly leaves you blind to things that are to the left or back of the camera
  • Grand chasm in the misshapen core of Uranus
  • Creative alternative spellings of certain words and painful use of puns
  • Title screen that can potentially kill the player's ship


  • Fire left thruster: Hold down the "1" key (the number key above the "Q" key). This will accelerate your spin in the counterclockwise direction.
  • Fire right thruster: Hold down the "0" key (the number key above the "P" key). This will accelerate your spin in the clockwise direction.
  • Accelerate Forward: Fire both thrusters simultaneously and continuously.
  • Fire the plasma stream cannon: Hold down the Spacebar. This will accelerate you backwards a little.
  • Restart game: "R" key
  • Quit: Escape key

Music: "Event Horizon" by Axhom, Creative Commons by Attribution 3.0

Tools: Unity, Blender, Substance Painter, Audacity, Gimp

Note: This game is intentionally bad, but I hope you have fun playing it because it is also badass, and full of cheese.


Windows 26 MB
Mac 29 MB